Week 3

This week's reading gives an overview of education in the United States over the past 250 years. Pay attention to key events in each period listed. In what ways did education change from one period to the next? Take notes, we'll discuss this in class.

For your R&R this week, list what you consider to be the three (3) most important changes and give a brief explanation of your choices. Your choices may come from a single period or may expand over various periods in educational history. 

Here's the link to the reading: The History of Education


  1. The History of Education has grown over the centuries. The early 1900's gave the foundation to build on education for us today. The following 3 changes were key events happened in early 1900. First in 1910 all public school programs were started. State controlled free education was the rule and school was mandatory starting with kindergarteners. Another key event was the forming of NAACP in 1909.This stands for National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People. This was formed to protect and fight for civil rights for Coloured people.Segregation was wrong and NAACP WON A LANDMARK LEGAL CASE IN 1954, Brown v the Board of Education.This case was taken to supreme court which was deemed that separating white children from black children was not equal and declared schools that were segregated were unconstitutional. There were 13 states that had segregated schools in the south. Also a another key event was the the Supreme court declaring de jure school segregation violates the 14th amendment. THERE WERE many key events that happened from 1900- 1955. this time period in my opinion holds a very powerful part of history so much change was done for the better. Many people had a fought to make education equal to all and fair.

  2. Over the centuries education has changed in numerous ways. starting from the early 1900's till present day schools are more unified when it comes to accommodating each and every student and considering their learning situation as well. in the early 1900's it was the start of the way schools are set up today. In each sub category you can see that there are certain aspects they have that we have now but all in one school instead of different types such as private, religious and cultural education facilities. The three most important changes in my opinion would be integrating schools, accommodating non English speaking students and students with disabilities and integrating all components of education into one building. Integrating schools makes each student feel equal, no matter their background, knowledge or financial status. The same idea goes for non English speaking students and students with disabilities,just because they are fairly different they should not be segregated into a different school based on such criteria unless extremely necessary. They are students as well, who are willing to learn and succeed like the rest. Lastly having all components of education all in one building, that is a feasible idea because having certain schools just for more religious study or just to teach a certain nationality is costly. instead in present day we have all of these aspects in one place, fulfilling its purpose and serving well to students. It's less costly to government and more convenient.
