Week 7 -- The Wave

The Wave is a movie that demonstrated for us the opposite of democratic education. Consider the conditions necessary for a dictatorship. The questions below are meant to guide you into deeper thinking and generate a discussion. Please read the following questions and answer as many of them as you'd like and/or offer your own reflections on the film.  

  1. To what extent do current trends, conditions or practices in our education system move us in the direction of the what we saw in The Wave? 
  2. What was the "breaking point" in the movie? In other words, was there a point when the activity shifted to an autocracy? Explain.
  3. What types of violence are associated with The Waves activities and in what ways did this help maintain the system? 
  4. Think about your own projects that explore various aspects of education. What can we learn from The Wave that might inform the topics you've chosen? In other words, consider your topic and think about the extent to which it creates conditions for more autocratic or democratic education. 


  1. The Wave focused on Autocracy. In our education system today, teachers are the central person of the classroom. They have to show students discipline and keep order in the class. Teachers take charge in the classroom solely to educate not to become like a Hitler version of ruling. Mr Wenger lost control of his students in The Wave and the end resulted in death, confusion and chaos. The breaking point in this movie was when the students got together after school and startted going around town destroying public property. They pasted stickers and spray painted the symbol of the wave all over town. They felt superior and stronger as a single unit.. There school project turned into all day and night way of life. They also ignored students who would not conform and wear white shirts and jeans. I believe that a Democratic education would be stronger to educate our children not a autocratic or facist way. Being a leader like Hitler proved that at first unity was understood and progress was made but brainwashing takes over and this type of ruling does more harm than good.

  2. It depends on the subject matter that is being discussed and to what age group it is being discussed with. I would say the Travayn martin case would have a movement like the wave with whoever you spoke to. The moment when it shifted to an autocracy was when he got the class to stand up and begin stopping their feet in unison to disturb the other class. That’s when they became one and started standing up for one another at any cost. The wave had vandalisms they also had fighting and assault. It helped maintain the system because they did it for the cause. They did it for the wave. They did it similar to the three musketeers’ all for one and one for all. We need to be careful about what we do under our freedoms that could wind up being like the wave or even worst. We are separating children teaching them you are better than them because of test scores. This could build up and take off like a wild fire. So we need to be careful what we do and what we teach our future.

  3. The breaking point of the wave where the whole movement started to turn into autocracy was when the teacher mr. weiner was telling his students what to do as far as how to think, what to wear. He wanted them to be unified but at the same time there was no individuality. The students started thinking way ahead which lead to outrageous behavior. Vandalism, suicide, fighting, verbal abuse, bullying as well as gun violence was associated with the wave. Vandalism was the only form of violence used that could have protentcially helped the way because it brought awareness to the group, it put their name out there. By people seeing the symbol, they wanted to know what it was and where it came from. The most recent trend that can move society into the direction of the wave is the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman case. Many people all over want to stand up for what they believe is Just and want to be part of a bigger cause but if it isnt controlled and handled in a proper way, the great ideas and points we may have can be shadowed by ignorant and violent actions. If we cannt exsicute our ideas properly and freely, our whole purpose for justice and peace can end up just as the wave ended. Learning from the movie and the GZ case, for my topic chosen i can learn how to inform people about a particualr issue without totally persuading them and controling their thought but just by sheddding light on present day issues.
