Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Your thoughts...

Read, "How to Get a Job" by Thomas Friedman on the relationship between jobs and education and then respond to the question below.

How to Get a Job

Describe HireArt's function for job seekers and employers. Do you think HireArt is a good idea? Explain the pros and cons. 


  1. HireArts function for job seekers and employers varies depending on which aspect you chose to look at it. The online database is designed to create a particular test or series of tests, for big and small companies. These tests are designed to help the employers weed out qualified workers based on the skills they have specific to the job. Now as for its function for job seekers, its main function is to help those who arent qualified based on looking at their resume, but by giving them these test to see their skills, it can boost their qualification for the job.
    Personally i think HireArts is a good and bad idea based on my ideas already stated earlier in my comment. Its a good idea because it helps those applicants who are underqualified based on their resumes content. But on the other hand its a bad idea for numerous reasons. One reason is it separates applicants based on their ability to fill certain requirements based on a test designed for a specific job when certain applicants are just as good foe the job but in a different way that may not and can not be expressed through a computer designed test. The second reason it is a bad idea is,certain applicants can have a degree in the field for a particular job but are not computer savvy so they might not express their full potential for the job.

  2. Thanks for your comments Cheyenne. We'll continue this discussion in class.


  3. HireArt was designed to bridge job-seekers and job-creators. The job market is so overwhelming and demanding that job seekers with college degrees are being turned down even if qualified for jobs. How do you get a job? HireArt's clients give them job descriptions and then they design online tests for potential jobseekers. HireArt gives the company the results from 500 applicants they choose one. While this maybe easy for companies to find the right candidate I think it is unfair. Whatever happened to going to a face to face interview? It is unheard of now and unfair. Everything is done on the computer and in order to get any job in todays world you need luck and hope that the company picks your application out of the pile.
