Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Are we a democracy

The aspects of their ideas that I find the most convincing is that we are not a full Democracy.  The reason being we do not have control of our government at all.  We elect people to make the decisions that they feel is best for us.  The one question that comes to my mind is are they making the decision that is best for us as a whole or are they making the best decision for themselves?  Now I know we cannot have the people in full control because of corruption and scandals that we would see. But how many senators and congressman pass laws for personal interest and gains.  So I agree fully we are not a full Democracy.

1 comment:

  1. After I read these articles on Democracy I found both articles have convincing ideas. Gary Gutting's article states we dont fully trust 'the people" to make legislative decisions. Many Americans feel we live in a plutocracy or a nation governed by the wealthy. i do agree with this that wealth does rule in this world and the lower and middle class are forgotten and have little say. Janathan Mott's article on Democracy states in the first sentence about the pledge of allegiance " AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS" I also believed we were a democracy but reading this article makes me think what we are. Democracy is a form of government in which the people decide policy matters directly and a republic is a system in which the people choose representatives to make policy decisions. we are a bit of both. The Framers of the Constitution were frightened of pure democracy. We are not a full Democracy we do not have control over our government. We have a republic democracy
