Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week 4

Each candidate has an idea on how to make schools egalitarian. On the other hand none of the candidates tell us the plan b or c if plan a does not work.  Bill states that the government fails to invest in early childhood education and after school programs.  This is something that is true. Could we fix this problem when he becomes mayor as soon as possible?  I don’t think so.  With the way the economy is where are we going to get the funds to get the personnel for the afterschool programs and our teachers for our schools?  When we have to worry about other things like our police force undermanned new police commissioner stop and frisk and inspector general coming in so let’s face it you can do something’s not all of them.  John speaks about the 1% that makes 500,000 thousand a year taxing them more.  Now let’s be realistic here the people that make a half of million dollars have ways to protect it through charities, donations, and other back ways they have learned over the years.  Yes it sounds great in theory that he would put that money to renovate schools but would it be enough for all of our schools and everything we need. Than Sal wants to focus on the 0-3 year olds because that is when education really starts, now let’s think about that one percent are they going to be happy with that tax increase for education for 0-3 year olds let’s remember who pays for the campaigns.

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